A comprehensive guide to off island sportives
Cycling off island for the first time can be quite a daunting experience. Knowing what forms to complete and take with you, what to pack, what everything will cost and not to mention the logistics of getting there, signing on and understanding what to do on race day!
Jersey Rouleurs are experienced in planning and organising off island events, regularly competing in worldwide events. Our members have participated in events in New York (GFNY), Rome (Gran Fondo Roma), France (La Bernard Hinault, La Pierre Le Bigaut, La Saumuroise, Lа Cyclо Mоrbіhаn), UK (Tour of Cambridgeshire, Ride London) and Spain (Mallorca 312).
We have put together an essential packing list and some guidelines to make your first off island sportive an enjoyable and stress free experience.
Before Departure
- British Cycling Membership1
- Race License1
- Medical Form2
- Letter of Authority3
1We recommend obtaining a British Cycling membership and/or race license (required for some sportives – check the documentation of your chosen event). You’ll then be covered for third party liability should anything happen. For more information take a look at the British Cycling membership section of their website.
2Required for French sportives (can be downloaded from the side menu of this page) – check the documentation of your chosen event for other countries.
3Obtainable from British Cycling – drop them an email or call the membership team and ask for a Letter of Authority for the country you are riding in.
Packing List
- Passport
- Money
- Bike
- Phone / Waterproof Bag
- Cycling Computer / Garmin / Heartrate Monitor
- Cycling Shoes
- Helmet
- Sunglasses
- Cycling Kit1
- Rain Jacket (for cycling)
- Puncture Repair Kit / Spare Tubes & Gas / Multitool2
- Energy Gels / Bars
- Energy Drink / Electrolyte Powder
- Recovery Drink
- Drink Bottles
- Sunscreen
- Chamois Cream
- A ‘Day’ Bag3
- Casual Clothing (for evening socialising)
- Travel Adaptor / 4 way extension
- Di2 charger (or make sure it’s fully charged prior)
- Lights (for early starts)
1Usually we will also ride the day before an event so it’s advisable to bring more than 1 set of kit. Consider whether you may need arm warmers, leg warmers, overshoes, gilet, gloves and rain cap!
2It is essential that you have an idea about how to use repair kits yourself.
3A small rucksack or plastic bag that you can put trainers / flip-flops and dry tee shirt in so you are more comfortable after the race whilst we eat and recover. Day bags will be left in the car (when available), at the event HQ or checked in at an official bag drop area.