Club Rides
Our regular Club Rides are held on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. These rides all meet at Costa Liberty Wharf (Wednesday and Friday) or the Radisson Waterfront (Saturday and Sunday).
Wednesday Wheeleurs
The Three Wise Men will lead a gentle ride around the roads, routes and lanes for between 90 and 120 minutes. The route is generally unknown but the destination is always the same, a coffee establishment. Everyone is welcome. Meet at the Cog and Sprocket, 37 Queen St, St Helier, JE2 4WD at 09:00 for a ride out at 09:20ish
Skivers, Slackers and Unemployed
Friday morning is the ‘Skivers, Slackers and Unemployed’ ride. We roll (out of bed) for a social 08:45 coffee and a chat about whatever seems to be the topic of the day. At an approximate 09:00 it is time to put on the cycle helmets & glasses and meander towards the outside world for whatever we have decided is the purpose of the day’s training. Generally between 90 minutes and 2 hours, the ride is geared to incorporate a few efforts and an element of training, but never losing the reason for the ride, to be social and relaxed. Meet at the Cog and Sprocket, 37 Queen St, St Helier, JE2 4WD.
The alarm is set a little earlier at the weekend. Saturday morning is the start of the weekend’s riding. From 08:40 the Radisson barista will prepare the coffee as the hubub of chatter intensifies with the increasing number of arriving riders, the time ticks towards the ‘roll out’ of 09:00. Slightly less emphasis on training at the weekend, the rides are social but will still test your legs at certain parts of the island.
Sunday morning is again an early rise for 08:40 where one of our own coffee angels will prepare a brew. We all chip in a quid per cup to the Macmillan cancer support tin (our chosen charity). Rolling out at 09:00ish the Sunday ride is virtually the same as its neighbour, Saturday.
On each ride, the group will all ride the same basic course and will all end up at the designated Coffee & Cake shop at the end of the ride. The ‘Rouleurs’ will steadily ride the course whilst the ‘Leg stretchers’ will accelerate from the front of the group and ride a ‘fast loop’ before rejoining on the course from behind. A stationary ‘re-group’ is sometimes necessary and also gives riders a chance to swap groups depending upon terrain and fitness levels. Ride Captains at the front and rear of each group maintain discipline and set the pace to ensure that either of the groups do not end up spread over a mile of Jersey’s roads and cause chaos with the traffic.
Ride Captains & Group Riding
The basics of group riding can be found here, our Ride Captains are always happy to help and assist with newcomers and frequently ride side by side with those new to Jersey Rouleurs.